Our mission of enhancing the quality of life for Parkway Garden residents is more important than ever in light of the current challenges brought to our community with the coronavirus pandemic. Future Ties is proud to continue building partnerships throughout the community to support of participants and their families. Check out our updates below to see how Future Ties is serving the Parkway Gardens during the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Future Ties is offering meals to the Parkway Gardens community.
Monday-Friday- Future Ties will partner with The University of Chicago Greater Chicago Food Depository and Bon Appétit Management Company to provide 3 meals breakfast, lunch, and dinner to our community! In the first week we were able to provide 160 meals, while practicing social distancing and being a blessing to people. We have continued to provide meals since March.
We are grateful for the donations of various supplies that our families need. #OneWorldOneCommunity
Thanks to Parkway Gardens Christian ; Church (Disciples of Christ); The University of Chicago; Jason Heyward; and GO Campaign
In addition to meals Future Ties has also received donations to provide shoes and other activities for children. Thank you to Chicago Youth Centers!
Future Ties is very grateful to the recipients Emergency COVID-19 bridge grant was awarded to funded by The University of Chicago. This funding will allow us to keep our staff working so that we can address the basic immediate needs that are families can’t acquire at this time.